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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Uncertain Times

Last week was a blur. As application deadlines approached, there were many things on my plate. However, with the submission of many of my college applications by today, I am optimistic that I will have more time available. While I hope this will be true, I must also be realistic. Today, my mother had major spine surgery. Because of this, my time in school and out is uncertain as I will be taking care of her. Already through, by spending time in the hospital and practicing the skills I have obtained with my CNA and through clinical experiences, I am witnessing many more medical communication aspects in a new environment.

I plan to continue doing my research but set goals that are realistic and attainable. My research last week exposed me to many potential sources that would be extremely beneficial to look into. Though this week will be a struggle with unpredictability and uncertainty, I am excited about its potential. Not only will I be able to use the skills I already have to help my mother through her recovery, but I also hope to learn and observe more ideas that may contribute to my thought processes and considerations with my research. All in all, I am hopeful and optimistic.

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