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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Final Touches

Submission of final products and additional documents are due in ONE WEEK!

Looking on it is hard to process that the end of the year is quickly approaching. Final presentations are at the end of the month and graduation is right around the corner. It truly feels like time has flown by exponentially.

While things are gearing up to be prepare for the end of the school year, there is still much to do while we classes are still in session. While many of my classes are approaching the last few lessons, AP exams follow the week of Final Presentation Night. Though it is exciting to see it all wrap up soon, it is also just as important that I am as focused now as I can be. There is a lot of things concluding and while many seniors have already checked out, I am hoping to finish strong.

I am excited about what the next week will bring regarding concluding my final product but also being able to see and hear about my peers' projects in the upcoming weeks!

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