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About ISM

Scroll down and read about the major projects of ISM to better understand all aspects of this portfolio.

The Independent Study and Mentorship (ISM) program is a selective course that encourages students to learn of a career they are interested in. Students selected for the program go through an extensive application and interview process. In the course, they complete research and interviews of their field of interest. The goal at the end of the year is for students to have gained professional experience, created original projects and works, and have a better understanding of their topic and their own future.

About ISM: About

Major Projects

The two major projects for ISM are described below. The overall descriptions are vague on purpose. Students have the opportunity to guide their own study. All projects vary from student to student regardless of their topic of study. 

Semester 1

Original Work Project

The Original Work Project is focused on research and understanding. It is worked on throughout the fall semester and wrapped up by the New Year. Students have the opportunity to decide what their Original Work will look like, whether it be a pamphlet, book, model, paper, or any other media by which the student has been approved by the professor.

Semester 2

Final Product Project

The Final Product Project is focused on real world application. Students can chose to expand on the ideas from their Original Work or pick another focus within their topic. They have the opportunity to decide what their Final Product will look like, whether it be a survey, book, poster, tool, or another product approved by the professor. This project is to be more applicable to the current and future practices of the student's topic of study.

About ISM: List
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