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About Me

I have a love for science and medicine partnered with an overwhelming desire to help others. For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the world around me and how it works. In recent years, I have taken initiative and put myself out in the real world- through organizing volunteer projects, observing in clinics, and applying my knowledge in professional capacities. Last year, I studied the medical ethics of fetal surgery. A link below will redirect the page to my digital portfolio for last year. I have decided to further pursue the medical ethics within pediatric medicine focusing on long-term primary care pediatric-caregiver-physician relationships. For more information about the ISM program, my career experience, past projects, and current work portfolio, explore the many pages within this portfolio. If you have any questions, inquires, or simply wish to say hello, do not hesitate to get in touch or send me an email!

About Me: About

Helpful Links and Files

2020-2021 Digital Portfolio

Independent Study Research and Projects Under the Mentorship of Dr. Terry Buchmiller, MD

CNA Certificate 

Nursing Assistant Certification Linked Below for Reference


2020-2021 Projects Overview

Linked below is a page of previous projects that create the foundation of this portfolio's work. The page contains only the final products and none of its accompanying research (which can be accessed through the first link.

About Me: Files
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