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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Surgery & MP Week

This week is one I have been planning for a lot recently. The marking period for grades ends this Friday. I had interviews all day today. My mother has major back surgery tomorrow.

There has been so much to stress about and feel overwhelmed about. Because of the possibility of such things happening, I started planning early.

I have been in contact with my teachers and with my mothers doctors to understand where I will be needed when and for what. Because of the schedules and correspondences I have exchanged with my teachers, I have been more at ease with my ability to get all that needs to be done completed. With that being said, this week is in no way going to be an easy one.

Due to my familial situation of a single-parent house hold, I am more heavily needed to take my mother to surgery tomorrow at 5 AM, manage and monitor updates while she is in surgery, and help with her transition from post-op and back home. My CNA skills will come in handy- as they have in the past- as well.

There is a lot of pressure this week regarding all that I have to manage and maintain, but I look forward to learning more ways to understand this new perspective as I go through this experience.

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