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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim



he last few weeks have been unpredictable to say the least. Things have yet to return to 'normal' after my mother's surgery. While I have caught up on my work from before Spring Break (from the week I was out because of my mother's surgery), I'm still actively working to get back into the swing of things. Though I am back to normal school work, the repercussions of my mother's surgery remain in my home life. Because of this I still feel like I am in "surgery mode."

This week I hope to work further on my project but also update this portfolio with the research of the last few weeks. Through there has been an unpredictable air to my weeks, I have been able to adapt more smoothly than I had originally planned for myself.

There is much left to do as the project deadline approaches.

I have been making an active effort to not only manage my time well but make time for little things that remind me of why I am working so hard.

Everyday, I work on balance. Everyday, I am able to learn more ways to do so.

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