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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Reaching Out

I’ve continued to research and learn more about the long-term relationship. Through my assessment of a social study, I have been exposed to the many factors that can be used to measure individuals’ opinions on the relationship and information between the physician and patient. While these factors were important, the most significant inclusion was the perspective of the physician on their own abilities. My research from last year has been a guide for this year. Even though the information itself was foundational to my ideas for this year, the most helpful skills I have currently been using are in researching. Finding studies and sources- and more importantly, understanding them- is something I became familiar with previously.

Though I have been researching information, I have also begun reaching out to professionals with the hopes to get a first-hand insight into their experiences with the multivariable relationship. Despite the fact that I have been working to learn more, I need to reach out to more professionals and balance my ISM work with the college applications I am completing. I am excited to talk to more professionals in the field and maintain a healthy balance between applications and my study. The potential ideas to uncover within the relationships pediatricians make are beyond intriguing.

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