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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

It's a Transition

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

Through research, I was able to find many sources that embarked on explaining and depicting the changing relationship between pediatric patients, parents, and physicians in the course of the child’s life. There was one thing that stood out to me: Initially, pediatricians primarily communicate with parents, but at some point, they have to transition this confidentiality and reliance to apply to the patient-physician relationship. This takes a level of balance and understanding on both ends- but it seems like many challenges could occur: mistrust by the patient as an upcoming teenager, lack of boundaries for parents, and establishing a healthy confidential communication with both patients and parents for the physician.

This idea is something I want to dive deeper into: How does a physician catalyze this transition, and how do they tackle the many challenges that arise amid such a change? This week, I plan to begin the work to uncover some understanding that may lead to the answer to these questions. I know it will not be a straightforward response, because all people, patients, families, and physicians react differently and desire different things. However, I am curious about discovering some of the many ways in which these situations are approached. At work, I am working closely with patients and gaining a better understanding of the importance of human connection within medicine to create a sense of comfort, trust, and dependability. I plan to not only dive deeper while researching but also use my clinical experience as a gateway to seeing real-life applications of these ideas.

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