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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Hurdles and Difficulties

The past week presented many challenges. Though I was planning on reaching out to many professionals through phone calls, I had unexpected technical difficulties. Without access to my phone or my new contact information, I had to postpone making calls. This has put me behind schedule. Nonetheless, I am going to continue calling and contacting professionals now that I have access to my modes of communication.

I am excited to continue to reach out to professionals. I plan to reach out to more professors or professionals linked to universities. Because of the parallel structure of my work this year to last year, I truly believe such an individual could be helpful in my continuing journey. In the next week, I will reach out to even more professionals, hopefully getting back on track after last week’s hiccups.

I am nervous but thrilled about the opportunity to participate in the ISM Business Symposium this week. Because of the circumstances of last year, we did not have this in-person professional event. I had few in-person, face-to-face interactions in a professional capacity. So, I am looking forward to learning in a new environment and understanding more about professional behaviors. While I was able to meet my mentor in person this summer, I have not had the exposure to constant and continuous meetings of such a sort to fully feel comfortable in the environment. I hope to grow on this through my understandings from the symposium.

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