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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Gearing Up

This week will be one of my busiest yet. With the deadline for college applications quickly approaching, I am prioritizing time management. I have articles lined up for this week to prepare for the hectic time. Completing applications have been even more beneficial in securing my confidence in my field of study for this year. I am beyond excited for the chance to dive further into medical ethics. This week, I plan to read through three more studies to gain insight into the communication gaps for the pediatric-caregiver-physician relationship.

Looking further into universities has allowed me to become excited about the possibility of further collegiate research. The chance to be more involved in studies for the improvement of patient care is of great intrigue. I have been working on planning out my time and maintaining productivity. The possibilities of today and the future have kept me driven and exponentially contributed to my thrill for all that can come. Putting my best foot forth and working diligently and purposefully will aid me in achieving my goals for the future- whether it be the near future or years in the future. I am exhilarated by the work I am reading through this week and cannot wait to understand more.

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