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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim


Last week was overwhelmingly beneficial. My peers expressed great feedback for my speech, and I think I have ideas of how to explain my ideas further and better next month. In my introduction, I passed out chips to my peers, allowing them to pick their favorite out of the assortment. While there were plenty of bags for everyone to have one, not everyone received the one they preferred. I transitioned and bridged this into the preferences and fulfilling communication needs within medical relationships. During this presentation, I focused on the foundational ideas I would be exploring, and I look forwards to sharing more of what that exploration means in future presentations.

It was so great to hear the works of my classmates. Seeing each individual’s unique journeys is intriguing and motivating. Although each of us has a different goal, purpose, and topic of study, there is a collective sense of community and understanding that is significantly unique. I plan to continue my research and resume more hours in the clinic next week. Even with juggling school, my research, and taking care of my mom and the house, I have high hopes for the productivity I can achieve this week as well as during our thanksgiving break.

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