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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Wrapping It Up

In the last couple of weeks, I have been working hard on my drafts. I had a meeting with Dr. Buchmiller to understand more about revisions and possible edits to decrease the length and increase the flow of the worksheet/processing aide. There were some major formatting changes and changes in word choice and phrasing that I was able to accommodate and revise for. Overall, I was able to understand more through Dr. Buchmiller’s guidance. Looking back at the original draft I sent her and the one I have been currently working on, I can see so much improvement and the reflection of a lot of hard work.

This week I hope to submit my final product for class but continue to work on the aide so it can be used in the real world. I am excited to get it turned in and focus on my final presentation. I am overall nervous to see how I can present all my ideas, misdirections, learning experiences, and growth from the whole year into one speech. All the same, I am excited to present the work to others. I will submit my final product tonight and then be on my way to fully invest myself into the presentation which I will be giving in less than two weeks!

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