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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Building and Planning

This past week, I worked hard on my drafts. After last week's discussion and correspondence, I sent Dr. Buchmiller two different versions of my work. In the last week, she gave me some guidance and direction. Through email correspondence, Dr. Buchmiller expressed her preference for one over the other and some suggestions for improvements. We plan to discuss this further in our meeting this Friday. I am excited to collaborate and edit my drafts further. I am looking forward to our meeting and continuing to work on the project.

Today we got the official day and time for the final presentation figured out. There were some miscommunications and difficulties with scheduling that somewhat postponed establishing and knowing official days and times. However, we are set with a day, time, and room number! It is exciting to see the plans for the next month unfold. I am also glad I can present at my home campus. The room I am in is one I have had class in previous years- so I feel I will be slightly more comfortable. Overall, I am excited to continue working on my final product as well as plan for Final Presentation Night and send out invitations!

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