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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Thoughts, Discussion, and Confidence

Last week, I began compiling my ideas into my original work project- my report. I have a preliminary outline and developing drafts that will overall result and evolve to become my final original work project. I had the privilege of speaking with my mentor today to receive feedback on my work so far and overall discuss my direction. Meeting with my mentor was very helpful as it assured me that my thought process was plausible and logical. She also directed me to some sources that I could use to back up my points throughout my report. I think these will prove essential and am grateful for her time and thoughtfulness. Ultimately, she helped further my plans through our invaluable discussion and given me confidence in my work.

This week, I plan to work hard on finishing the development of my original work report. It will take long hours and hard work, but after speaking with my mentor, I am feeling confident in my work and am excited to continue my work. There are a few key questions the report will address and debate: What are the ethical implications of quality-of-life fetal treatment? How has the field evolved to include quality-of-life conditions with respect to ethical foundations? How do you respect a mother’s autonomy while ensuring protecting her and considering societal, personal, and external pressures? How does physician counseling on a condition and treatment affect the psychological decision making of the mother? While these are only a few of the many ethical questions I am discussing in my report, I have also presented preliminary information about the development of the fetal surgery field and how ethics has played a role in recent shifts. In general, I am ecstatic for the week to come and the finalization of my project I have worked so hard on for many, many weeks.

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