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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

The Excitement of Building on Previous Research

Last week, I had the opportunity of sharing my overall first semester experiences with my class. This included creating my original work as well as my mentorship experiences. Creating such a reflective presentation and speech allowed me to really understand my growth since the beginning of the year. Additionally, it helped me lay out my plan for this semester. In fact, I had a meeting with Dr. Buchmiller where we discussed more about fetal counseling and the ethical approaches. We dove deeper into how we could create the most effective version of our envisioned patient tool.

This week, I plan to read more about fetal counseling and understand how such information could be used to formulate my final product. This week I want to continue to research and search for similar tools in medicine- whether it is in fetal or a different specialty. So far, I have not found such tools but plan to continue the search. In the next few weeks I am excited to see how ideas build into fruition. The direction I am currently heading is nerve wracking as I have not seen similar products and tools in my research, but I am thrilled to have Dr. Buchmiller’s guidance and learning more and more every day.

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