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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Subspecialties, Subspecialties, and More Subspecialties

I would call this week, overall, successful. I reached out to a few professionals recently and feel relieved to finally put myself out there. Nonetheless, it was nerve racking. I was able to complete my resume and establish my references. Additionally, I did some long overdue research regarding the different conditions treated by pediatric surgeons. While learning of the many diagnoses, I learned the term "pediatric surgery" was an umbrella term that covered many different specific fields. The source I read from this week exposed me to the many subspecialties within pediatric surgery. This provoked a question: What surgeries are performed by a general surgeon opposed to one with a subspecialty? Because there are so many subspecialties, I want to understand what is left for the general pediatric surgeon to cover. It will give me a better understanding of the field as a whole and will allow me to decide if I want to focus on a more specialized field within pediatric surgery.

Next week, I hope to research the subspecialties within pediatric surgery. I hope to continue searching for a source that will open my eyes to the techniques and tools used in pediatric surgery and how that has changed in the more recent years. Furthermore, I am looking forward to communicating with professionals who may have answers to some of my many questions. Overall, I am thrilled with the outcome of last week's work and am excited to see what I may be able to do in the coming days.

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