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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Research Presentation- Check!

Last week, although nerve-wracking, gave me the opportunity to share my progress and ideas with my classmates. We began our research presentations last week and will continue this week and the next. It was overall reassuring and energizing to hear of their journeys that were not as straightforward- per se- as one would imagine. The lack of a uniform course of action allowed me to better accept and embrace my unique and rightful journey through my ideas and research. Creating a presentation and explaining my thought process as well as my plan, gave more structure to it and allowed me to click together pieces that maybe were not previously meeting. I was able to create a more comprehensive and understandable representation of my ideas and therefore make better sense of my already complex structured plan.

This week, I look forward to hearing about more of my classmate’s paths- especially those exploring similar careers as I. I plan to explore more revolving around my new research approach and dive deeper. Hopefully, I will be able to reach out to my mentor soon and share these ideas and accomplishments with her. All in all, last week was reassuring and motivating in regards to the rest of my continuing journey.

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