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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim


The past few weeks have been challenging with the change in direction for my original work project. Initially, I had this predetermined mindset- and I did not want to stray from it or change what I felt was already written in stone. However, I have learned and grown to understand the need for change. When I first drafted my ideas for my original work project, I had significantly less knowledge under my belt. Since then, I have spoken to professionals and done extensive research. Ultimately, this allowed me to understand something essential: the only true way I will achieve my goals will be through change no matter how daunting it feels. Though it may cause a few complications and pull me back a few steps on my research, the final result will better reflect what I have learned rather than being restricted by what I originally thought I should learn. Though trying, the past week has allowed me to reorganize and refocus myself and my path.

This week, I look forward to outlining my research work to my fellow ISM classmates. I am excited now- rather than ashamed or embarrassed- for my change in plans. Nailing it on the nose the first time is something that is rare and- quite honestly- something I am glad I did not do. It has allowed me to better understand and motivate me towards my new ideas- most of which I would not have stumbled upon without the research directed towards my original project idea. I plan to outline my whole journey so far and discuss my findings, research, and collaborative meetings with an excited professional. I plan to finalize the details of my original work this week- which I have already discussed with my instructor. I look forward to hopefully meeting with my mentor as soon as the paperwork gets approved so I can share and bounce my ideas off of her. In the meantime, I have been re-exhilarated by my plans and research. I cannot wait for what I may uncover.

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