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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Original Work- Submitted!

The last week was intense and stressful. However, this was only so because of the pressure and nervousness I had going into finishing my original work report. Despite this, when I sat down and began and continued to write, I was filled with confidence. I knew what I was writing and had no reason to be nervous as the words and ideas just kept flowing. Today, I am submitting my Original Work Project and Assessment. While this is the case- and I am confident in the current version of my original work- I know there is always room for improvement and am open to getting feedback and continuing work on it. With that being said, I am excited and thrilled with the result of my semester’s research.

I think the next week is a much-needed break to reorganize and recuperate before the start of next semester. While I plan to do all of that, I am still going to continue exploring to see what ideas interest me for my final product next semester. Overall, I feel accomplished. While I was nervous because my project would ultimately reflect all my hard work for the past months, I had no reason to be caught up in the self-imposed pressure. I am excited to see others' views of my work and see my classmates' work. How did my classmates' projects evolve and develop? Did they have similar thoughts and nerves like me? I am overwhelmingly relieved yet exhilarated by the passing of this milestone. I look forward to all that is to come.

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