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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim


In the past few weeks, I have been working hard on creating drafts and versions of my final product tool. There are many different formats (from listed questions to a table) and approaches to how information is presented. While I had created more generalized versions, others asked more specific questions. One of the biggest challenges was understanding which would be the most effective. While more detailed questions may initiate some thoughts, they may also limit or restrict the natural progression of one's thoughts. This is one of my major concerns at the moment. However, I plan to understand Dr. Buchmiller’s feedback on what might be most effective and if I should continue in the direction I am pursuing .

I had a quick meeting with Dr. Buchmiller earlier today where we discussed some upcoming dates, and a draft I sent her this weekend. I expressed my concerns over the specificity or simplicity. I will be sending her a more detailed version along with the more generalized draft I previously sent. With that, we can discuss and go from there. I am excited by the progression and the constant growth that has come along with this project. I am looking forward to continuing to build on it.

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