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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

Back to Work!

The past couple of weeks have been an amazing opportunity for me to get organized and cultivate my thoughts for the upcoming semester. I was overjoyed and proud of my original work project and its results which I was able to turn in and share through my portfolio. The original work project ultimately allowed me to understand the overall process- not just through reading and taking in others’ experiences but by going through the journey myself and figuring out what I can accomplish. I plan to use what I have learned about myself, my research, and the medical world as I embark on my journey for the upcoming months.

I am most excited to see what ideas and paths I take this semester. Last semester was not all smooth sailing in a single direction. I had a few twists and turns as I discovered what was plausible and possible. However, in no way do I regret such a course. It has aided and added to my overall perception of pediatric and fetal medicine. As I approach new projects I plan to continue asking myself questions: How can I challenge myself? How does this make a difference? In what ways are the ideas I research challenged and how may those be tackled? I am extremely excited for what is to come whether it is all smooth sailing or there are bumps in the road, I cannot wait.

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