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  • Writer's pictureUnum Shamim

2010 Developments in Pediatric Surgery

Many internally prompted questions followed my research and work from the week prior and gave me guidance in my research during the week. Many of my thoughts gravitated towards the tools and techniques of a Pediatric Surgeon, and I was able to find information regarding the development of such tools. I learned of a grant by the FDA that enabled the research and development of standardized tools that would lead to standardized methods in Pediatric Surgery. Overall, it was eye opening to understand how the field has evolved and how the development has made it what it is today. Although the article was insightful, it was published in 2010. It was helpful in understanding the reasons standardized tools are needed: each surgeon had improvised methods that lead to increased variation, less regulation, and increased risk. However, there is a decade worth of development and change that was not revealed in this decade old record. I may look deeper into my sources to understand what has happened in the last few years and how the field has changed during this time. Medicine and science is constantly evolving, and I will need to find a more recent source to understand the more current practices.

I am still curious about the lifestyle of a Pediatric Surgeon, so finding a source to aid in my understanding is definitely on my to-do list. In fact, I am reaching out to a few professionals in the following weeks and may gain more insight in this regard. Additionally, I have updated my resume as well. I do want to ask of the specific techniques that individual surgeons use when operating. I certainly need to research more of the specific conditions that are commonly treated by surgery in pediatrics. Understanding these will give me a more impactful experience when learning of specific techniques. My research this past week has made me excited to dive deeper into Pediatric Surgery. I also have one more question to ask professionals in the field: Why did they choose Pediatric Surgery?

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